School Session Times
Children attend for 32.5 hours per week, 6.5 hours per day.
School starts at 8.45 and ends at 3.15 each day.
Breakfast Club is open from 7.45am.
After School Club is open until 6.00pm.
Term Dates
Term Dates are below. Please also see link to Devon Term Dates which will show you holiday dates for future years.
St Nicholas adhere to these term dates and usually have non pupil days on the Monday after each half term.
How will I find out about School Closures?
In the event of an emergency or bad weather:
- you will be informed by text message (if you are registered on parentmail)
- the website will have a message on the home page
- Heart Radio and Devon Radio will have updates
- Devon County Council School’s Closures page will also have a message.
If you are still in any doubt please call the School as there may be a message on the answer phone or there will be a member of staff to advise you.