A school uniform has advantages for both parents and school.
For parents, it provides a practical outfit for 5 days of the week. The school takes care when setting the uniform, to make it as cost effective and accessible as possible for all families. There are no expectations to have the school logo on any items, however, it is our preference that children have the school logo on their tops.
For the school, a uniform unites the children in a shared identity, as they are representatives of their school community. Uniforms can limit distractions in the classroom - nobody gets side-tracked by someone else's t-shirt logo! Adding the school logo really helps maximise our identity and belonging.
Please ensure that the children have the correct PE kit on the correct days. Children can wear PE kit to school (only on days they have PE). Do have in mind that children can get dirty and wet playing sport and on occasions they may need clothes to change into. We like children to enjoy sport and not be put off by the cold. A thin windproof / waterproof black sports jacket is always a good addition to PE kit. In order to perform like a good sports person we need to look and feel like one!
Items can be purchased from Thomas Moore or My Clothing (see links below). All other uniform items can be purchased from the local supermarkets and major retailers.
Above all, a school uniform teaches children to dress smartly, take pride in their appearance and not to have to worry about peer pressure, as everybody is expected to wear the same thing. Here are the uniform lists - please ensure everything is named!
At St Nicholas we expect the following uniform is worn by the children:
SUMMER UNIFORM - From Easter to October half term
Thomas Moore on Fore Street in Exeter supply all new uniform (including ties) and PE kit.
Many items can also be purchased from myclothing.com. Purchases from here raise funds for the school with each purchase.